Hello to all who read this, I am fine thank you. My life is wonderful, thanks to the God who made me. He loves me so much and He takes care of me in everyway possible. God loves me and He loves you too. :)
Hello to all. What's been happening? The sky is up, that's what's up! I really don't understand that phrase, it's really odd that anyone would use that phrase at all. I mean why "what's up"?? It makes no sense whatsoever in my mind! Of course, my mind is already confused enough and there area a lot of things that don't make sense in my mind. O well, I don't understand a lot of things and I have no clue what they all mean. Signing out....
Today is my 18th birthday. Everybody seems to be more exited about it than I am. Of course one thing I am enjoying is my Lord of the Rings Trivial Pursuit game that I got. And another Gift, that I am enjoying a lot, is the new Matthew West CD. It has all of my favorite Matthew West songs on it. I now have Lord of the Rings Chess, Risk, Monopoly, Stratego, and Trivial Pursuite. That is all I have to say, other than... Happy Birthday to me. :)