It's amazing how we can get so caught up in life's (and religion's) standards and complications that we tend to lose sight of the simple things in life. I was reading Inhabited's myspace blog blog.myspace.com/inhabitedtheband and it really opened my eyes that we really do get to caught up in the complications of life, that we never stop to enjoy the simple things. Sometimes simplicity can do that to a person.
This is Rafi, signing off.
Today was good. I went to my parents church today, and got to play the congas. Then we went to the Walsh's house and they cooked for us. I played Fluxx with my sister, melissa and some other friends, and they enjoyed it. For some reason everyone I introduce to that game, tends to get hooked on it. They don't seem to understand it at first, but once they learn the rules (or basic rules as they are called) they tend to want to play over and over again, which is ok with me, because I enjoy it as much as the next guy. Charity wants to get together one day and learn Elvish with me.
That would be really cool.
Anyway, that's all I have to say today. TAYL. bye
Hello everyone. I am home from Puerto Rico. I had fun down there, but it's good to be home. I have lots of suvineers, and lots of memories from my trip. It was fun, all except for the fact that I got beat up by the ocean, and got a rash from either the heat, or the peel of a mango fruit. That is one minor thing that I will miss is the fruit down there, that I don't think you can get anywhere else. My favorite being the Canepa - a small fruit with a green peel and a small pit. The main thing though is my family. It had been over 10 years since I had been and seen them, and now I don't know how long it will be again. But I did have fun, and am glad to be home.
Today is a rather boring day. I have nothing to do except sit here on the computer, or go watch TV in the other room. It's not so hot right now because I have a fan blowing directly on me. I have had fun here in Puerto Rico, but I can't wait to get back. Today is the first of August, and I start classes soon. I kinda want to go to College, and I kinda don't. There is, however, one class I am highly looking forward to taking (that is if it is what I think it is). It is a logic class, and if it is what I think it is, then it will be loads of fun for me.