Anyway (Not anyways :P ). Amy always corects me when I put anyways, although it's not much of a correction since anyway is the correct way to say it. I have no Idea who this tarian tum character is, would someone care to clarify, please! My dad is missing a screwdriver at this time and I don't know where it is. I am at **I still don't know where my roman numerals are. AAAAAAAA!**. I like my LotR chess set. The set has the good guys and the bad guys. The pawns on the good guys side are all Samwise Gamgee pawns. The rooks are Boromirs. The Knights are Aragorns. The bisops are Frodos. The queen is Galadriel, and the king is Gandalf. Now on the Badguys side, we have goblin pawns, Orc rooks, Urukai knights, and Cave troll bishops. The queen is a ringraith, and the king is Sarumon. Very strangeset up they got there, Huh? On the badguys side, I think the Cave trolls should be the rooks, the orcs should be knights, and the urukai should be bishops. Now on the good guys side, I think they should have put all four hobbits;Frodo,sam,merry, and pippin, alternating as the pawns, and should have put legolas in there as the bishop. Anyone who agrees with my changes comment, AYE!