I don't understand why nobody blogs anymore. :( Guess what I found out today!!! I found out that I still have my old library card from when I was younger. (Changing subjects) Do you ever notice that when you're waiting for something, it takes forever for it to arrive but yet when it's over you felt like you had more time? I know I do. (changing subjects, again) I carried 3 pencils in my pocket today, and I did not stab myself once! How about that!! (changing subjects once again) I don't know why Amy is alway's correcting me when I say it is anyway and not anyways. I don't see much of a correction there since anyway is the correct way to say it (Amy! :P ) (Changing subjects once more) SA.C stands for S=super, A=Amy, and .C= .com. So SA.C=Superamy.com :) .