I don't understand why anyone would want to kill themselves. I mean there is so much to be thankful for, and if nothing else, being alive and waking up to a new day is enough for me. I have had so many friends who have tried to kill themselves, and haven't acclompished it (thank God). Life is such a wonderful thing, and if you look at only the negative things in life, then yea, you are going to be miserable. But if you look at all the good things in life, and count your blessings everyday, then you will find that life isn't so bad after all. I have so much to live for, and if you think about it, so do you. Even if it's just one thing you are thankful for, that is still something to live for. So, in my mind, it makes no sense whatsoever to kill yourself. And next time you have thoughts about it, just count your blessings. You might find you have more than you thought ;-) (P.S. this post is not directed to any one person, it is directed to all who read it)