Greetings all. I am having a wonderful school year. It still feels really wierd not being able to see everyone in the school almost all at the same time. I only see my friends from other grades during lunch and between classes. I mean I like that Hopewood has grown and moved into the new building where it can grow more, but I don't like the fact that Hopewood is becoming more and more like "real school". I liked the small closeness that we had at Burton Plaza. And I'm not saying I don't like it at Grace Street, I just miss the closeness.
O well, changing subjects a bit...
Chess club at Hopewood will, hopefully, start within the past week or two. I am really wanting a Chess club and already have a sign up sheet filled out, and I have like 10 people that want to join.
Another Change of subjects...
I am reading (or trying to read) the rest of J.R.R. Tolkien's
The Lord of the Rings series. I want to finish them, but I can't seem to get into them.
O well, that's all I have to write about as of today. C - YA