Yesterday I got back from the 2007 Annual Piedmont Tech Leadership retreat, and I had a blast. It was so much different than the last one I went on, but it was still a lot of fun. I met a lot of cool people there, and if you go to Piedmont Tech, I would reckomend going on the leadership retreats. They are a lot of fun, and they are a good way to meet people from the school that you wouldn't take a second glance at. I made quite a few new friends on this retreat, and the friends I made on this retreat seemed, to me, to be closer than the one's I made on the previous retreat. But, yea, I had a lot of fun, lots of laughing, and crying, and good food, very good food. lol.
Anyway...I would reckamend the leadership retreat to any student at Peidmont Tech, it's a lot of fun, and you get to meet people.
-That's all for now...ta-ta