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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

ok. I am sorry if my last post upset some ppl. That's just how I feel about that subject. I didn't think about what other people would feel or think of it. I also forgot that it is a very delicate subject to discuss. I am very sorry, and I agree with the tag on my tagboard, It is ignorant and arrogant.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I don't understand why anyone would want to kill themselves. I mean there is so much to be thankful for, and if nothing else, being alive and waking up to a new day is enough for me. I have had so many friends who have tried to kill themselves, and haven't acclompished it (thank God). Life is such a wonderful thing, and if you look at only the negative things in life, then yea, you are going to be miserable. But if you look at all the good things in life, and count your blessings everyday, then you will find that life isn't so bad after all. I have so much to live for, and if you think about it, so do you. Even if it's just one thing you are thankful for, that is still something to live for. So, in my mind, it makes no sense whatsoever to kill yourself. And next time you have thoughts about it, just count your blessings. You might find you have more than you thought ;-) (P.S. this post is not directed to any one person, it is directed to all who read it)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Hello once again. And once again I am bored out of my mind. And once again I am wanting to play Monopoly. I went to Carowinds the other day and was mostly bored except for the fact that I had a lot of fun telling riddles to helpless victims. It was fun b/c I got to mess with ppls minds which I enjoy doing. I don't know why. I did find my roman numerals the other day as well, and I have reached over 16,650. I like my roman numerals, they make me an odd person (along with a few other things.) So anyway, I am girlfriendless and I don't want to be. I don't think anybody wants to be without a date that has had one before. O well, I will hopefully meet one during the summer, and if I don't, I will hopefully meet one at Hopewood next year. That would be cool, either one I mean.

ok, well, I will ttya'll l8r.
Peace out

Friday, June 17, 2005

I was told something today that confused me greatly. I was told that I act much different when I am not goint out with someone, as apposed to when I am. I don't see it, but apparently some ppl do. My sister even sees it, but I don't. AND IT IS CONFUSING ME GREATLY!! (yes, I know that I already said that, but it is). O well, I see things in ppl that they don't see, so I guess this is their way of getting me back. lol. ok, c-ya'll

Saturday, June 11, 2005

You know what, My summer hasn't gotten worse. It has actually gotten better! I mean I am still bored out of my mind, but not as much anymore. I saw my good friend Jennifer today, and we just talked and it was fun. I am getting better at creating conversation, and I think a lot of that has to do with Yahoo. I also have been talking to my good friend from Florida on Yahoo. So, I guess my summer won't be as bad as I thought it would be. Even though I am still most of the time bored, the times inbetween have been quite fun.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I think something is wrong with me, I really do. Someone shouldn't be bored 24/7. How can that be, and yet, I am in that constant state. I am bored ALL OF THE TIME!! It's not natural for a guy to be bored out of his mind 24/7. I can never think of anything to do, and I have outplayed all of my video games. My mom is always telling me to call up friends and ask them to do something, but I can never think of anything to do, or anyone to call. I AM GOING INSANE FROM THIS BOREDOM. ugh, sorry about that, but I seriously think I am. My mom is worried about me, and so am I. My mind just doesn't operate in a state of thinking where I can just think of something to do and not be bored anymore. Why not?? I don't know, it just doesn't happen. I wish I had a mind where I COULD do stuff like that to keep myself from being bored, but I can't. And so I will be bored all summer unless I can think of something to do (which I highly doubt it) to keep myself from being bored.


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hello all. I knew that outside of Hopewood, my summer would be boring. But Summer break just started and I am already having a bad summer. 1. I am bored out of my mind. 2. My g/f broke up with me the other day. 3. I am getting bored with my PS2. 4. I am constantly being grounded from my computer and it is getting highly on my nerves. 5. I have nothing else to do except be on my PS2 and Computer so when I get grounded I am extremely bored.

I am just not having a good summer ya'll, and I know it is just going to get worse. I am having a rough summer.

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