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Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I don't see why nobody blogs anymore. I find it fun, and a good way to keep up with my friends :) . By the way I have found my roman Numerals. YEAH! :) I am proud of myself. I have reached `vMLXVIII, which in case you're wondering is 6,068 in normal numbers.Tomorro is New year's eve and I am going to a new years eve bash thing with my youth group. So if I don't blog tomorro, Happy new years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 29, 2003

I don't understand why nobody blogs anymore. :( Guess what I found out today!!! I found out that I still have my old library card from when I was younger. (Changing subjects) Do you ever notice that when you're waiting for something, it takes forever for it to arrive but yet when it's over you felt like you had more time? I know I do. (changing subjects, again) I carried 3 pencils in my pocket today, and I did not stab myself once! How about that!! (changing subjects once again) I don't know why Amy is alway's correcting me when I say it is anyway and not anyways. I don't see much of a correction there since anyway is the correct way to say it (Amy! :P ) (Changing subjects once more) SA.C stands for S=super, A=Amy, and .C= .com. So SA.C=Superamy.com :) .

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Anyway (Not anyways :P ). Amy always corects me when I put anyways, although it's not much of a correction since anyway is the correct way to say it. I have no Idea who this tarian tum character is, would someone care to clarify, please! My dad is missing a screwdriver at this time and I don't know where it is. I am at **I still don't know where my roman numerals are. AAAAAAAA!**. I like my LotR chess set. The set has the good guys and the bad guys. The pawns on the good guys side are all Samwise Gamgee pawns. The rooks are Boromirs. The Knights are Aragorns. The bisops are Frodos. The queen is Galadriel, and the king is Gandalf. Now on the Badguys side, we have goblin pawns, Orc rooks, Urukai knights, and Cave troll bishops. The queen is a ringraith, and the king is Sarumon. Very strangeset up they got there, Huh? On the badguys side, I think the Cave trolls should be the rooks, the orcs should be knights, and the urukai should be bishops. Now on the good guys side, I think they should have put all four hobbits;Frodo,sam,merry, and pippin, alternating as the pawns, and should have put legolas in there as the bishop. Anyone who agrees with my changes comment, AYE!

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I read you peoples comments from the last blog and SA.C is, of course, Superamy.com. The "S" stands for Super, the "A" is for Amy, And the .C is for .Com, of corse. That clarifies that. I really really like my LOTR chess set. I want to play with it everyday. I think my family gets tired of me bugging them about it. I have this really cool telesonic thing that let's you hear whispers very loud. (It kinda hurts though when you have it on and someone yells right into it, like your annoying little brother) Anyway (not anyways :) ) I really like blogging, but it gets kind of boring if I can not read anybody else's blog. How come nobody blogs anymore? I don't know the answer, but it might be that they are too busy and that they don't have as much free time as I have. Oh well, I like reading other people's blogs. It's fun!!

***Please comment***

Friday, December 26, 2003

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllooooooooooooooooo!!! Where is everybody?!?! I feel like I am the only person on SA.C that blogs anymore (I know I already said that, but I am trying to get a point point across here! ;) ) I just finished a game of LOTR chess wih one of my friends and I beat him. My little brother is making a lot of noise on the family keyboard we got for Christmas. Ihave reached !!!Ihave lost my roman numerals book!!! in my roman numerals which is!!!I have lost my roman numerals book!!!in normal numbers.

********Oh and if you read my blogs, Please please comment so I know you read it*************

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone else's Christmas went as well as mine. I had a great Christmas and I got the coolest thing, Ready: A Lord of the Rings Chess set :) . Isn't that awesome!!! That was my Favorite gift (other than the really cool quote book Jennifer gave me ;) ) I just Finished Watching 007 Die Another Day, and if anyone is wondering, I am at `vDCCCXXV that would be 5,825 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

I am regularly blogging, but I don't see anyone else regularly blogging. I feel really stupid being the only person on SA.C that is blogging this christmas break. I cannot believe tomorro is Christmas!! Yay! I am watching Freaky Friday at this moment, It is a very strange movie, and this is a very short blog. Bye!

Monday, December 22, 2003

Look at me, regularly blogging ;) . One thing I don't understand is the sounds people make for sounds. Like the word Boing, that sound does not sound like that, and the sond rip really does not make any sense whatsoever. My life is really hectic right now because, as you know, Christmas is coming. Yay! My arms are about to fall off because I was raking my front yard and we (my little brother and I) are still not finished. I really hate raking :( . I have been cleaning a lot too because we are having a party at my house tommorro for the spanish people from Grace community church. My sister and her husband are coming down from greenville to spend Christmas eve with us. YaY!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

My christmas break is going just fine. I am having a little bit of difficulty with my social life though :( . I wish my girlfriend and I had not broken up, but I guess it was for the best ( some of the people who went to thme midnight showing of LOTR might know who I'm talking about, but if they don't that's OK.) Anyway it is only by the grace of God that I have not fallen apart yet. The movie was really good though, most of the people I saw at LOTR, along with Amy and Mandy, were from SA.C. I met TOTA :) . All who were there were: Amy, mandy, and cory Lockaby; TOTA, Hali, Jessi and her sister Rachel, and one of my good friends Jennifer. My favorite part of the movie was when the leader of the nasgol told Aowen (I think that's how you spell her name) could not be killed by any man, and then Aowen said, "I am no man," And she takes off her hood and stabs the nasgol leader in the face. That was so cool!! Go Aowen!!

Saturday, December 13, 2003

I can't believe I had not blogged in 3 days. Shame on me. : ( Amy!!!,or whoever did it, what did you do!! I do not like the "My life or lack thereof" thing you did to my template. GRRRRRRRRR. please change it back to Boosheblog. I know that boosheblog does not make any sense whatsoever, but then again, neither do I. Anyway, my life is great. I don't know about anybody else. I cannot believe the last full week of school is over. next week we get out for christmas break. I cannot think of anything else to write so this blog is now over. Bye. ; )

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Warning: this blog is very random. I went to church this morning and had a really good time :). Amy and Mandy Lockabee are really cool people. My nintendo can play only Nes games. I have a really cool and strange computer game called Earthworm Jim. I want a chess game for my Palm IIIxe. Christmas is coming up and I am really exited. Thanksgiving was good. :p :p I like the little smiley face things. I hate watching sports on T.V. Reepicheep is a cool Mouse and he is over 3 feet tall which is really tall for a mouse. I just made a lot of puncuation errors in that last sentence :). The wizard of oz is on right now. Well this random blog is now over. :) :)

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Sorry everybody for "ruining" the smiley faces. I'll try harder not to. I finished my book report and am almost finished with my Christmas around the world project. :) I did a lot of work with Jennifer at the library and we got a lot finished (NOT done) That's mostly all I did today. I have nothing more to say so, bye! :)

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Hello. I'm sorry I didn't blog yesterday, but I had to read my book report book thet I still have not finished. I am reading Prince Caspian, part of the Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis (more commonly known as C.S. Lewis ;-)) It is good so far and I have reached half way in 2 days. Anyway(not anyways! Amy! |-)) My little brother's friends are here right now and are making lots of noise.(younger siblings are so annoying. I gotta go. Bye!

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